FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL

Ivan Igorovitch
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FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL Empty FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL

Message  joeplf Sam 04 Juil 2015, 23:36

Mes 5 FAL's d'Hollande...
Très rare!

FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9698_zps31l3duho
FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9701_zps2xqujhgo

FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9683_zpsbtz9vef2

FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9578_zpswcpoobxi
FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9602_zps7jkqop4m
FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9600_zpsz9xp3jtk
FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9581_zpst7qlf9zm

FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9603_zps8w8q1dvr
Gauche= par Artillerie Inrichtingen  droite= par FN

FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9515_zpsqc4w7nhz
FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9514_zpsrxrjrnnb
FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9513_zpsqv2q6aay
FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9506_zpsmoto5hpm
FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9504_zps3dlqjhji
FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9502_zpsxly96xbo
FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9486_zps6guvkra3
FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9460_zpsgzplnf3s
FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9441_zpsu19bob8h
Unique, extra safety
FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9424_zpspytygdzn

FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9906_zpspgow3k4g
FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9904_zps1jubdr4a
FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9869_zpsha2375mu
FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9635_zpsdm6uijnm
FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9678_zpswyt5wnfv
FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9675_zpszryserao
FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9643_zpsp6x17bmt
FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9628_zpsgi8m25xw
FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9626_zpsywzazasf
FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9615_zpsgv3mgsu4
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Nombre de messages : 171
Age : 52
Localisation : Belgium
Date d'inscription : 18/10/2012

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FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL Empty Re: FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL

Message  feder504 Dim 05 Juil 2015, 00:26

Ben mon vieux ...  salut

Ils ont l'air d'être particulièrement bichonnés, ceux-là ...!
Y a pas à dire, ils sont entre de bonnes mains ! Félicitations !

A+ Wink


- "Un homme armé est plus indépendant qu'un homme sans armes"
- "Les trois métaux précieux de la Liberté sont l'or, l'argent et le plomb"
                                                          (George Washington)
- "... surtout le plomb"
                           (Wolfgang Amadeus Feder 504)
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FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL Empty Re: FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL

Message  Zongo Dim 05 Juil 2015, 21:07

Superbes ! Je suis fan.

Nombre de messages : 45
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FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL Empty Re: FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL

Message  guillaurore Dim 05 Juil 2015, 21:58

trés beau modèles ,fan aussi du fal
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FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL Empty Re: FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL

Message  nicosensei Sam 25 Juil 2015, 11:49

Superbe modèles,suis sous le charme...moi aussi fan de Fal, voici le miens mais un Autrichien.

FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL 210
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FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL Empty Re: FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL

Message  big Sam 25 Juil 2015, 12:49

très beaux exemplaires !  salut



Autorisation de fabrication et de commerce de matériels de guerre,

catégorie A1, A2 et B.
Déclaration commerce armes et munitions du 11 juin 2009.

FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL Signature_adh N°49
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FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL Empty Re: FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL

Message  joeplf Dim 26 Juil 2015, 10:30

FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9584_zpshunsdxc6
FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9576_zpsf8od6g5w
FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9600_zpsz9xp3jtk

FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCF9026_zpsa81a9e80
FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCF9020_zpsa45401eb
FAL's, you got to love'm FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL 3361380237
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Membre averti

Nombre de messages : 171
Age : 52
Localisation : Belgium
Date d'inscription : 18/10/2012

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FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL Empty Re: FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL

Message  yaya1er Dim 26 Juil 2015, 19:59

Tu pousses le bouchon un peu loin!

Prochain sujet : tes 14 SAFN? FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL 942193 

J'attends. salut
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Nombre de messages : 5028
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FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL Empty Re: FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL

Message  joeplf Dim 26 Juil 2015, 21:06

Tu pousses le bouchon un peu loin!

Prochain sujet : tes 14 SAFN? FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL 942193 

J'attends. salut

Hmm, 14 CAL's et FNC's?
Membre averti
Membre averti

Nombre de messages : 171
Age : 52
Localisation : Belgium
Date d'inscription : 18/10/2012

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FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL Empty Re: FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL

Message  Baccardi Lun 27 Juil 2015, 08:27

J'avais manqué ce sujet  Embarassed

Bin dis-donc... FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL 2863987946

On en redemande, peut-être quelques pièces présentées plus en détail... FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL 2027367187 je sais, j'exagère, il y a déjà un sacré boulot à présenter toutes ces photos, merci FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL 3361380237


"Laudamus veteres sed nostris utimur annis "

Nombre de messages : 17573
Age : 59
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Date d'inscription : 20/01/2012

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FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL Empty Re: FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL

Message  yaya1er Lun 27 Juil 2015, 10:00

joeplf a écrit:

Tu pousses le bouchon un peu loin!

Prochain sujet : tes 14 SAFN? FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL 942193 

J'attends. salut

Hmm, 14 CAL's et FNC's?
Je me dis que si tu as 5 FAL, tu as peut-être davantage de SAFN.
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Pilier du forum

Nombre de messages : 5028
Age : 55
Localisation : Grenoble
Date d'inscription : 28/01/2013

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FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL Empty Re: FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL

Message  joeplf Lun 27 Juil 2015, 15:19

Baccardi a écrit:J'avais manqué ce sujet  Embarassed

Bin dis-donc... FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL 2863987946

On en redemande, peut-être quelques pièces présentées plus en détail... FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL 2027367187 je sais, j'exagère, il y a déjà un sacré boulot à présenter toutes ces photos, merci FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL 3361380237

Variante sniper
FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9864_zpss71q8avj
FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9862_zpsd40yliol
FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9863_zpsbfebd5j2

FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9866_zpsrzakzvxz

FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9867_zps6jrad1fm
FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9868_zpsynbxkg3p

FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9864_zpss71q8avj
FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9891_zpsqpbvdnr6
FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9865_zpsfyanu3md
FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9889_zps02jp4hte
FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9888_zpsqwywx8cc
FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9887_zpsnvizljef

FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9912_zps521a3z9n

FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9899_zpsqd0rasfe
FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9898_zps8i8f4dmb
No stopblock in this case... Note the slidingrails and key.
FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9897_zpsjpqqg6s6
Note the brass piece on the left
FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9896_zpsppxnanmu

FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9895_zpsw5cea1xk
You can slide it in like this.

FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9911_zpsw7o3nysm
FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9910_zpsehyqvh7k
K marking on the stock, i have seen them many times...
FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9908_zpsuvdvlcox
Nearly no milling marks on the receiver.
FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9894_zpsflpfaxjl
Sight protection, white paint, red loctide
FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9893_zpsssrjuxhz
T marking, so AI assembled this one...
FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9892_zpsvoibz4bw
FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9632_zpswma1djh2
FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9633_zpsdufllov4
Serialised barrel, typical for AI barrels. No Belgian proofmark!

FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9907_zpsjtpuyvc2
FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9906_zpspgow3k4g
FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9905_zpsyohmqf0e
FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9904_zps1jubdr4a

FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9886_zpsbprtbfw8
FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9884_zpsv67cebes
FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9882_zps2c7lnhj6
Using the bipod will NOT help you to shoot tighter groups, i do helps to pick up faster new targets. Below 150m this will not make you miss the target. behind 200m you will start missing since the spreading gous over the 30cm
FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9881_zpsoakk0dge
FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9877_zps1xckpggu

FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9875_zps7jmokhha
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Membre averti

Nombre de messages : 171
Age : 52
Localisation : Belgium
Date d'inscription : 18/10/2012

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FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL Empty Re: FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL

Message  joeplf Lun 27 Juil 2015, 15:21

Baccardi a écrit:J'avais manqué ce sujet  Embarassed

Bin dis-donc... FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL 2863987946

On en redemande, peut-être quelques pièces présentées plus en détail... FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL 2027367187 je sais, j'exagère, il y a déjà un sacré boulot à présenter toutes ces photos, merci FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL 3361380237

variant "korps mariniers/naval"

FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9694_zpsg6f9s55f

FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9627_zpsbkqzle9n
FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9628_zpsgi8m25xw
FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9627_zpsbkqzle9n
Note the slim pistolgrips!
FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9625_zpsbykwiuun
FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9623_zps4lqoq74r
Factory installed swivel. I had some spare stocks, all had the hardware mounted.
FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9622_zpsdym5bnvi
FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9621_zpsnmhanyik

FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9620_zps4ksnx8iz

FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9618_zps2uhftgny
Dutch Artillerie inrichtingen barrel= T stamp = tormenteerproofstamp
FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9610_zpshqr0yc2m
FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9617_zpsx4wwuoi6
FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9616_zps2fek9ecw
FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9615_zpsgv3mgsu4
FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9614_zpsnb2bao8g
FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9613_zpseanlxox6
The flashider markings
FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9612_zpstjvjdqqb

FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9611_zpsukyylzqm
The Dutch crest. Hup Holland Hup:D
FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9609_zps6h7v7uqq
All Dutch FAL's have the "R" marking on there selectors.

FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9617_zpsx4wwuoi6
FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9609_zps6h7v7uqq
FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9607_zpsbprvhnbi
FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9606_zpsorhjho5s
FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9619_zpsp3kbohs7 My set was an "A" batch.

FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9701_zps2xqujhgo
FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9698_zps31l3duho
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Nombre de messages : 171
Age : 52
Localisation : Belgium
Date d'inscription : 18/10/2012

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FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL Empty Re: FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL

Message  joeplf Lun 27 Juil 2015, 15:25

Baccardi a écrit:J'avais manqué ce sujet  Embarassed

Bin dis-donc... FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL 2863987946

On en redemande, peut-être quelques pièces présentées plus en détail... FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL 2027367187 je sais, j'exagère, il y a déjà un sacré boulot à présenter toutes ces photos, merci FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL 3361380237

Variant FAL normal, composer par Artillerie Inrichtingen. Canon aussi...

The first FAL is serial 59579. The most parts were made by FN but the barrel is made by AI. Artillerie Inrichtingen in Zaandam is a factory that came in trouble after the AR10 rifle was not adopted. To keep'm going the were allowed to assemble the FAL's.
AI FAL's are easy to recognice. The DON'T have Belgian proofhouse stamps. They have the "T" stamps. T stands for "tormenteer". Means, testfired with an overpressured round in the AI facility.
Some 50% were made by FN, 50% by AI

FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9701_zps2xqujhgo
FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9698_zps31l3duho

FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9414_zpsidq6okx5

FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9517_zpshjohncsy

FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9515_zpsqc4w7nhz
Note the red paint.

FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9514_zpsrxrjrnnb
The "T" tormenteer marking, typical AI...

FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9513_zpsqv2q6aay
FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9460_zpsgzplnf3s
FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9459_zpspdoqhlmi
FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9458_zpsgkyt0vlq
FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9457_zpsweab7i7y
FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9456_zpsnbe9jags
Dutch FAL's have a special hood to protect the front sight. All FAL's i have observed have sights with white markings. Some have red sealingpaint on the screws to keep'm locked.

FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9504_zps3dlqjhji
The Dutch army has fixed sights and they SUCK. The hole is to narrow to pick up targets or shoot at low light conditions.
FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9503_zpse1vbpu3q
Sometimes red sealingpaint is seen on the screws.
FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9502_zpsxly96xbo
FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9497_zpssbruftnh

FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9501_zps1kmd0wde
Most locks have a digit on'm

FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9499_zpsx0isucja

FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9506_zpsmoto5hpm
FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9507_zps1mn4ynr7
Note the special cut in the Dutch lugs, it is also used in there FALO

The shiny dustcover. No markings observed.
FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9510_zpsc8zgcxls
FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9509_zps6mzjkwsg
FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9508_zps5s9wkcs5

Holland uses a special stock. The buttplate makes is hard for lefties to carry a sling...
FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9496_zpsgkgsutw6
FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9495_zpscp9xyh39
FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9493_zpsjlcei8so
I have observed "K" "W" "5"  and some other markings near the screw.
Some stocks have a classic datestamp under the buttplate.

FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9492_zpskoqnxyj6

FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9491_zpshprsjqot
The lower is also serialised. The Belgian Army lower are not.
So is the upper, bolt, carrier and AI barrels. FN barrels are NOT serialised.

FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9488_zps0qwgboii
Note the "T" stamp on carrier and bolt.

Spit-shiny handguards, very tactial ; ) Must be fun in the wintercold and wet hands. Must be fun when fired red hot...
FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9486_zps6guvkra3
FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9487_zpsfclmiqcf
FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9485_zps0fqtpruf
FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9484_zpscs8djirp
FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9483_zpsbefblf5w
Note the gasregulatorstop, rivetted on the HG
FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9482_zpsiegd8vnv

FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9476_zpstkkx2doq
FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9475_zpswx1anmfm
All the AI assambled FAL's have faint Dutch crest. All FN assambled FAL have a neat deep logo!

FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9474_zpsvky3rnsk
FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9464_zpsaijnjkou
FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9463_zpscv6blb7z
FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9462_zps1kxkod4u
The bipod has serials on every part. I never saw a matching gunserial in combination with the bipod serial. It is a quickdetachable bipod. They were removed soon since recruts sitted on there fals to keep there ass dry. You need to bend the pods a bit to get'm over both the metal and fiber HG's

FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9473_zpsngmo0yfb
Holland has a wide boltrelease and magrelease. Sportshooters love'm. This is the best invention on the FN fal's out there.

FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9472_zpskylhwh47
Milled receiver.
FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9471_zpsnorgyt4d

FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9470_zps3pomvmhc
FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9469_zpspmebatig

FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9467_zpsjekjc2ek
T on the barrel&chamber
Note the serial on the barrel
FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9468_zpslfixbsrk
FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9465_zpsgeniiurv
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Nombre de messages : 171
Age : 52
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Date d'inscription : 18/10/2012

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FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL Empty Re: FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL

Message  joeplf Lun 27 Juil 2015, 18:07

Variant, 100% assemble par FN

FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9578_zpswcpoobxi

The biggest difference between the 1st and 2nd variant is the Belgian proofhouse stamps. The Belgian Proofhouse places stamps on the upperreceiver, barrel, bolt and carrier. You finde the proofhouse here:
So, the AI FAL's came in in pieces in Holland and never left it. They proofed themself with highpressure rounds in Zaandam.
This FAL was assembled in Belgium, proofed in Liege and presented to the acceptation officer.

A typical proofhouse stamp has the "perron" = little statue in Liege and a prefix "H" to identify the guy who did the proofing.

FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9579_zpsfx7tsdoz

FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9603_zps8w8q1dvr
Note both different stamps!

Check out the barrel alignement. I was told the digit 4 means a type 4 ring to get the right headspace...
FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9580_zps9fywar7j

FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9577_zpsxwgzisil
The stamp on the stock, near the vise "W"
FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9602_zps7jkqop4m
Nice wood and flames!
FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9601_zpstdbntmv1
FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9600_zpsz9xp3jtk
FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9599_zpswz7edrvo

FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9598_zpsw2dxu3x0
Front of the carrier "2"

FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9597_zpsqssrqqqt
Serialised + proofed.
FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9596_zpsawx9qe3e
FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9595_zpslkd27itx
FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9594_zpsbm3o6xiu
Like new...

FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9593_zpso1hxvsoi
Note the digit on the lock

FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9592_zps2gizbfut
At the upper there is a "JS" stamp

FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9591_zpsevwqv6pq
The typicla Dutch sighthood. I heard some fakes are around!

The Belgian made barrels have much more signs and proofs on'm as the AI barrels.
FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9590_zps86atyqmy
FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9589_zpscnlfmg3q
FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9587_zpslfwlr669
Nitro tested ...

FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9586_zpsen5hrfxy
And more signs

FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9585_zpsydsqrfxy
I love you!

FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9584_zpshunsdxc6
The logo is much deeper as the AI FAL's, coïncidence?
The milling marks are also deeper!
FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9583_zps64twuh8x

FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9576_zpsf8od6g5w
The FN made FAL's carry 4 serials. upper/lower/bolt/carrier

The flashider has one digit...
FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9582_zpsnfbxby2t
The metal ring retains riflegrenades. It prevents'm to fall off. The diameter is 22mm and is NATO approved. All NATO grenades have the same talediameter.

FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9581_zpst7qlf9zm
Bipodserilisation. All over!!! Never matching...

FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9701_zps2xqujhgo
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Nombre de messages : 171
Age : 52
Localisation : Belgium
Date d'inscription : 18/10/2012

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FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL Empty Re: FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL

Message  joeplf Lun 27 Juil 2015, 18:08

Variante Heavy Barrel FALO

FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9676_zpsuqj8ajgd
FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9675_zpszryserao
FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9674_zpszgx6qrth
FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9673_zpsdwvctiev
FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9653_zps2ixhwypz
FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9652_zpsktxghsh8
FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9651_zpsyulppd35
FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9650_zps9unxp1o8
Digits nears the screw, very common at Dutch stocks.
The Dutch FALO has a specific stock and buttplate. It can pivot to make a shoulderrest. If you fold it, the lowest point hits the ground.

FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9649_zpsptt7v5tw
Extra wide boltrelease, magrelease and in the corner you see the arsenals BW 8_93 stamp. So in 1993 it had a full service. I have observed that Dutch FAL's that never had a service, lacks mostly those red sealingpaint...
FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9648_zpsdxdlvue2
Did you see the Dutch mag has that same thick paint. You can pick'm out of a box with 100 mags by just looking at the colors...

FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9672_zpsyrkzqqhx
The bolt carrier has some strange wear on the right side. The other regular FAL's don't have it.
FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9671_zpsqt7g8cav
FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9670_zpsdb4varh5
FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9669_zpsjuhoho9z
Inspection stamps...
FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9668_zpszpdpspd0
NO extra safety on the firingpin!
FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9667_zpsfstdceyw
Both bolt and carrier have the serials + Belgian proofstamp off Liége.
FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9666_zpsahhhyrok

FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9665_zpsd08d46ii
The upper also has the "Perron" stamp.

FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9664_zpsydltwocj
FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9663_zpsbnjzvs9c
No digit on the lock!

FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9662_zpsxvjiedng
No hooded sight, it has an extra thick earset!
FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9661_zps2h6uulwe
Note the red sealingpaint on the sights to prevent "walking".
FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9660_zpsplo1cfow
The Bipod is not adjustable and swings around like hell.
You have to pince'm to open or close. Rock sollid.

FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9659_zpsidackhue
FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9658_zpsgldzxkth
Check out those extra 2 holes in the flashhider.

FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9657_zps9v0ujfca

FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9656_zpsfpfoqkuo
Adjustable sights, not the fixed para sights.
FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9655_zpsobohpvde
FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9654_zps1mhhfbx8
Small peepsight! Why? it SUCKS!
FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9645_zpsbgxfes3d

FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9647_zpsnpc71c89
Serialisation, as usual. Bolt,carrier, upper/lower.
Note the pinhole is missing so you can turn the selector to A...
FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9646_zpsbj69kmkw
The typical Dutch coin lugs.

FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9645_zpsbgxfes3d
Extra serials on both sides?
FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9643_zpsp6x17bmt
All FALO have there carry handle reversed mounted. Due to the heavy barrel, the balanspoint has shifted.
FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCN9642_zpsqluvec2h
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Nombre de messages : 171
Age : 52
Localisation : Belgium
Date d'inscription : 18/10/2012

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FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL Empty Re: FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL

Message  joeplf Lun 27 Juil 2015, 18:10

Baccardi a écrit:J'avais manqué ce sujet  Embarassed

Bin dis-donc... FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL 2863987946

On en redemande, peut-être quelques pièces présentées plus en détail... FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL 2027367187 je sais, j'exagère, il y a déjà un sacré boulot à présenter toutes ces photos, merci FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL 3361380237

Alors, contante?
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Nombre de messages : 171
Age : 52
Localisation : Belgium
Date d'inscription : 18/10/2012

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FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL Empty Re: FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL

Message  Baccardi Lun 27 Juil 2015, 22:10

joeplf a écrit:

Baccardi a écrit:J'avais manqué ce sujet  Embarassed

Bin dis-donc... FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL 2863987946

On en redemande, peut-être quelques pièces présentées plus en détail... FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL 2027367187 je sais, j'exagère, il y a déjà un sacré boulot à présenter toutes ces photos, merci FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL 3361380237

Alors, contante?

FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL 2863987946 FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL 2863987946 FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL 2863987946 FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL 2863987946 FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL 2863987946 FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL 2863987946 FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL 2863987946 FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL 2863987946 FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL 2863987946 FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL 2863987946 FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL 2863987946 FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL 2863987946

euh, tu y as passé des heures FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL 383119171


"Laudamus veteres sed nostris utimur annis "

Nombre de messages : 17573
Age : 59
Localisation : Canton de l'Ours
Date d'inscription : 20/01/2012

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FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL Empty Re: FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL

Message  joeplf Mar 28 Juil 2015, 20:44

I could not sleep... salut
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Nombre de messages : 171
Age : 52
Localisation : Belgium
Date d'inscription : 18/10/2012

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FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL Empty Re: FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL

Message  Baccardi Mar 28 Juil 2015, 21:26

J'espère que ce n'était pas à cause de moi clown

FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL 72113


"Laudamus veteres sed nostris utimur annis "

Nombre de messages : 17573
Age : 59
Localisation : Canton de l'Ours
Date d'inscription : 20/01/2012

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FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL Empty Re: FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL

Message  virjinz Dim 06 Sep 2015, 08:29

très belles armes - heel mooie wapens!


Nombre de messages : 15
Age : 42
Date d'inscription : 08/08/2015

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FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL Empty Re: FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL

Message  gribouille51 Jeu 29 Oct 2015, 16:45

Le poster de l'éclaté, (ou plutôt coupe didactique) sur certaines photos est un original?

Nombre de messages : 75
Age : 59
Date d'inscription : 28/03/2009

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FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL Empty Re: FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL

Message  joeplf Sam 31 Oct 2015, 20:02

gribouille51 a écrit:Le poster de l'éclaté, (ou plutôt coupe didactique) sur certaines photos est un original?

Toutes est original...
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Nombre de messages : 171
Age : 52
Localisation : Belgium
Date d'inscription : 18/10/2012

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FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL Empty Re: FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL

Message  Sauternes Dim 01 Nov 2015, 09:36

j'ai mal vu ou il y a une minimi derrière?

Magnifique collection


FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL 3797
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Pilier du forum

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FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL Empty Re: FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL

Message  joeplf Dim 01 Nov 2015, 13:51

Sauternes a écrit:j'ai mal vu ou il y a une minimi derrière?

Magnifique collection


FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCF0059_zps075bc39d

FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL DSCF4378_zps2c048e3e

FN FAL contract Hollande. Sniper, FALO, Korps mariniers, KL Pbucket
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Nombre de messages : 171
Age : 52
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Date d'inscription : 18/10/2012

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