Introduction - Hello from Austria
Richelieu ✝
zito de la tourette
21 participants
TIR et COLLECTION Armes Règlementaires :: Accueil et convivialité :: Rubrique "présentation" ( passage obligatoire)
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Introduction - Hello from Austria
It's rather unusual to have someone on a French board who is not able of speaking French and just understanding a few words. But well, my interest in US made and developed weapons brought me here. As France is one of the countries where special designs of handguns were not only used but also were tried out I'm keen upon reading interesting stuff and get in touch with other collectors.
My collection contains M1911's from different manufacturers (still hunting after the US&S M1911A1 and the SA M1911 though) and M1903's in different configuration (plus some M1917's and Pattern 1914s, ......) but I do have some other brands from different countries aswell. Not to forget when I'm at a French board - I also own a MAS 1936 and a MLe .
Best Regards from Austria,
My collection contains M1911's from different manufacturers (still hunting after the US&S M1911A1 and the SA M1911 though) and M1903's in different configuration (plus some M1917's and Pattern 1914s, ......) but I do have some other brands from different countries aswell. Not to forget when I'm at a French board - I also own a MAS 1936 and a MLe .
Best Regards from Austria,
Promo- Membre
- Nombre de messages : 12
Age : 37
Localisation : Austria
Date d'inscription : 04/11/2011
Re: Introduction - Hello from Austria
Happy to be the first one to welcome you !
et vive les traducteurs en ligne
et vive les traducteurs en ligne
Re: Introduction - Hello from Austria
Hey Georg,
Welcome abroad my Austrian friend. You seem to have a nice outfit of surplus rifles round there, please feel free to show us a few pix of them.
Don't be shy and don't let the language be an issue, you'll come across a few of us who can hold their horses in English (maybe even in German who knows?).
Anyway, if you run into trouble because of our broken English fell free to ask for help; that'll be my pleasure and privilege.
Otherwise, your post aroused my curiosity regarding French rifles : what the hell is a "MLe"? Do you mean a Lebel?
Welcome abroad my Austrian friend. You seem to have a nice outfit of surplus rifles round there, please feel free to show us a few pix of them.
Don't be shy and don't let the language be an issue, you'll come across a few of us who can hold their horses in English (maybe even in German who knows?).
Anyway, if you run into trouble because of our broken English fell free to ask for help; that'll be my pleasure and privilege.
Otherwise, your post aroused my curiosity regarding French rifles : what the hell is a "MLe"? Do you mean a Lebel?
Invité- Invité
Re: Introduction - Hello from Austria
welcome, willkommen et bienvenue parmi nous !
welcome, willkommen et bienvenue parmi nous !
dakota- Pilier du forum
- Nombre de messages : 2747
Age : 58
Localisation : Morbihan
Date d'inscription : 05/01/2009
Re: Introduction - Hello from Austria
Howdy !
Where's your Steyr-Hahn ?
:bienvenue: :bienvenue:
Where's your Steyr-Hahn ?
:bienvenue: :bienvenue:
lionrobe- Pilier du forum
- Nombre de messages : 7168
Age : 72
Date d'inscription : 09/06/2010
Re: Introduction - Hello from Austria
:bienvenue: tu dis quoi ?
vivent les arquebusiers normands
Du fait de leur seule existence les armes détenues par la population sont une garantie pour notre Liberté
Charles de GAULLE
JLH4590- Pilier du forum
- Nombre de messages : 1768
Age : 76
Localisation : ouest
Date d'inscription : 31/12/2008
Re: Introduction - Hello from Austria
You're wellcome
1911's are my favorite handguns too ! :twisted: and I'm still looking for a nice, if not mint, Remington Rand
1911's are my favorite handguns too ! :twisted: and I'm still looking for a nice, if not mint, Remington Rand
Dernière édition par Pocomas le Ven 04 Nov 2011, 18:36, édité 1 fois
Pocomas- Administrateur
- Nombre de messages : 19470
Age : 69
Date d'inscription : 28/12/2008
Re: Introduction - Hello from Austria
Promo a écrit:It's rather unusual to have someone on a French board who is not able of speaking French and just understanding a few words. But well, my interest in US made and developed weapons brought me here. As France is one of the countries where special designs of handguns were not only used but also were tried out I'm keen upon reading interesting stuff and get in touch with other collectors.
My collection contains M1911's from different manufacturers (still hunting after the US&S M1911A1 and the SA M1911 though) and M1903's in different configuration (plus some M1917's and Pattern 1914s, ......) but I do have some other brands from different countries aswell. Not to forget when I'm at a French board - I also own a MAS 1936 and a MLe .
Best Regards from Austria,
What to you mean by "when I 'm at a French board" ???
Anyway, welcome and don't hesitate to show us some pictures of your guns !! :bounce:
michfich- Membre confirmé
- Nombre de messages : 278
Age : 58
Localisation : Finistere
Date d'inscription : 18/05/2010
Re: Introduction - Hello from Austria
Wow .. now that is a lot of responses in a short time
As nearly every bolt action rifle is free to own by the age of 18 there's a lot of people around here collecting those. We only need licences for handguns or semi-automatic rifles (which are limited to very few legal pieces, the M1's are prohibited due to some old laws) which can be obtained easily. Problem is to "extend" those license as you're usually granted only permission for possession of two arms, if you want to own more you need to justify.
Language is not the problem, last possibility is always the Google Translator (which may not use correct grammatics, but you get what one wanted to say).
And with the "french rifle", you've hit my weak point. I didn't know the model by memory, just remember some "MLe"-saying on the receiver. Don't nail me down on it, but I believe it's a Challateraul MLe 1892 - at least it's short and matching numbers with a blank barrel. There's one special fact about that rifle that I like most, it's a small, nearly unnoticeable engraving in the wood saying "BERNARD" which I believe should've been the soldiers name who carried it (or it is what I tell myself). My MAS 1936-51 is mint, absolutely unused. It's the one with the grenade launcher sight and an additional rubber buttplate. They were sold some years ago, not sure where they came from but all of them were new.
As we're by the topic - I'm still hunting after a Remington manufactured MLe 1907-15 for my collection of US made military rifles. What is the situation on those in France, are they easy to get and what are the prices on them?
Lionrube, I have a M12 and a M07 plus three M95 if that is enough for you . Still hunting after the M95 sniper though, they're even in Austria nearly unable to get.
Pocamas, there are frequently nice M1911A1s for sale on, you can get most of the common manufacturers there. With the RR I only have one (not counting the Remington UMC M1911 from WWI), but that's enough for me.
Michfich, I ment that everything here is in French, that's why I called it a French board (we sometimes use board as another term for forum if that was it what confused you).
€dit: You wouldn't believe it, but this forum has also German language
As nearly every bolt action rifle is free to own by the age of 18 there's a lot of people around here collecting those. We only need licences for handguns or semi-automatic rifles (which are limited to very few legal pieces, the M1's are prohibited due to some old laws) which can be obtained easily. Problem is to "extend" those license as you're usually granted only permission for possession of two arms, if you want to own more you need to justify.
Language is not the problem, last possibility is always the Google Translator (which may not use correct grammatics, but you get what one wanted to say).
And with the "french rifle", you've hit my weak point. I didn't know the model by memory, just remember some "MLe"-saying on the receiver. Don't nail me down on it, but I believe it's a Challateraul MLe 1892 - at least it's short and matching numbers with a blank barrel. There's one special fact about that rifle that I like most, it's a small, nearly unnoticeable engraving in the wood saying "BERNARD" which I believe should've been the soldiers name who carried it (or it is what I tell myself). My MAS 1936-51 is mint, absolutely unused. It's the one with the grenade launcher sight and an additional rubber buttplate. They were sold some years ago, not sure where they came from but all of them were new.
As we're by the topic - I'm still hunting after a Remington manufactured MLe 1907-15 for my collection of US made military rifles. What is the situation on those in France, are they easy to get and what are the prices on them?
Lionrube, I have a M12 and a M07 plus three M95 if that is enough for you . Still hunting after the M95 sniper though, they're even in Austria nearly unable to get.
Pocamas, there are frequently nice M1911A1s for sale on, you can get most of the common manufacturers there. With the RR I only have one (not counting the Remington UMC M1911 from WWI), but that's enough for me.
Michfich, I ment that everything here is in French, that's why I called it a French board (we sometimes use board as another term for forum if that was it what confused you).
€dit: You wouldn't believe it, but this forum has also German language
Promo- Membre
- Nombre de messages : 12
Age : 37
Localisation : Austria
Date d'inscription : 04/11/2011
Re: Introduction - Hello from Austria
Welcome promo :bienvenue: , i prefer your language than the translator, it's easier to understand (by the way, sorry if there is some mistakes in my sentences)
Setione- Membre averti
- Nombre de messages : 149
Age : 41
Localisation : L.A.
Date d'inscription : 02/07/2010
Re: Introduction - Hello from Austria
bon ben on vous laisse entre vous gens de grande culture.....
calou02- Futur pilier
- Nombre de messages : 878
Age : 65
Localisation : Chateau-Thierry 02
Date d'inscription : 06/02/2009
ligosim- Membre confirmé
- Nombre de messages : 384
Age : 64
Localisation : érépio herault
Date d'inscription : 06/04/2011
Re: Introduction - Hello from Austria
Welcome ,
Many of us speak English, and it is a pleasure to welcome you on the forum.
HELIX- Administrateur
- Nombre de messages : 25216
Age : 56
Date d'inscription : 12/02/2009
y'en a même qui parle le Chti'..alors mi euj'dis binvenu' euvec eul' grinde famille du TCAR....
joselito- Modérateur
- Nombre de messages : 17758
Age : 65
Localisation : FTA Bully Chti !
Date d'inscription : 29/05/2011
Re: Introduction - Hello from Austria
En voulant respecter la lettre de la Loi
Tu trahis le coeur de la Loi
Jesus Christ
Richelieu ✝- Pilier du forum
- Nombre de messages : 3087
Age : 88
Localisation : Cote d'Emeraude (22)
Date d'inscription : 28/10/2010
Re: Introduction - Hello from Austria
Tout cela est bien gentil et je souhaite la bienvenue à notre nouvel ami !
Cependant je rappelle que nous sommes ici dans un forum de langue Française.....
Nous nous battons pour que certains n'y pratiquent pas le langage "SMS" respectent l'orthographe.......
Ce n'est pas pour devoir accepter d'être confrontés à une langue étrangère que tout le monde ne lit pas couramment...
Merci donc d'avance de votre compréhension :kodamaître:
Cependant je rappelle que nous sommes ici dans un forum de langue Française.....
Nous nous battons pour que certains n'y pratiquent pas le langage "SMS" respectent l'orthographe.......
Ce n'est pas pour devoir accepter d'être confrontés à une langue étrangère que tout le monde ne lit pas couramment...
Merci donc d'avance de votre compréhension :kodamaître:
CLOSDELIF- Pilier du forum
- Nombre de messages : 22855
Age : 72
Localisation : 81
Date d'inscription : 03/09/2009
Re: Introduction - Hello from Austria
CLOSDELIF a écrit:Tout cela est bien gentil et je souhaite la bienvenue à notre nouvel ami !
Cependant je rappelle que nous sommes ici dans un forum de langue Française.....
Nous nous battons pour que certains n'y pratiquent pas le langage "SMS" respectent l'orthographe.......
Ce n'est pas pour devoir accepter d'être confrontés à une langue étrangère que tout le monde ne lit pas couramment...
Merci donc d'avance de votre compréhension :kodamaître:
Je commençais à me demander si quelqu'un allez réagir :koenfeu:
merci CLOSDELIF :bravo:
et moi aussi je lui souhaite
calou02- Futur pilier
- Nombre de messages : 878
Age : 65
Localisation : Chateau-Thierry 02
Date d'inscription : 06/02/2009
Re: Introduction - Hello from Austria
Bienvenue Promo !!! :bienvenue: :bienvenue: :lol!:
Leboulanger- Pilier du forum
- Nombre de messages : 4062
Age : 55
Localisation : Charente-Maritime
Date d'inscription : 22/01/2009
Re: Introduction - Hello from Austria
Il serait sympa que les plus anglophiles du forum donnent une traduction française, même succinte, des propos de Promo pour ceux qui sont allergiques à l'anglais.
Le traducteur automatique google donne une idée des propos et parfois des tournures de phrases assez comiques : dans le domaine du rechargement la traduction de "peser de charges en grains" (to weigh charges in grains) a été traduite par "peser des frais en céréales" .......
Le traducteur automatique google donne une idée des propos et parfois des tournures de phrases assez comiques : dans le domaine du rechargement la traduction de "peser de charges en grains" (to weigh charges in grains) a été traduite par "peser des frais en céréales" .......
Pocomas- Administrateur
- Nombre de messages : 19470
Age : 69
Date d'inscription : 28/12/2008
Re: Introduction - Hello from Austria
Peut être....Mais il serait encore plus sympa que l'intéressé fasse ses interventions en Français (même mauvais) comme tout le monde.... :kodamaître:
CLOSDELIF- Pilier du forum
- Nombre de messages : 22855
Age : 72
Localisation : 81
Date d'inscription : 03/09/2009
Re: Introduction - Hello from Austria
bienvenue a toi
bosco- Pilier du forum
- Nombre de messages : 2430
Age : 53
Localisation : derrière la porte
Date d'inscription : 17/02/2010
Re: Introduction - Hello from Austria
vive la traduction en ligne et
frantzi68f- Futur pilier
- Nombre de messages : 803
Age : 44
Localisation : pres du stand de tir
Date d'inscription : 16/05/2010
Re: Introduction - Hello from Austria
I've never learnt to speak French but by reading you learn to understand more than one can imagine. But no worries to those who are afraid of getting occupied, I mostly remain as a silent reader. I guess you won't be capable of reading what I wrote when I have it being translated with Google .
But to come to a nicer topic - someone requested pictures. Sorry for the bad quality but this was a snapshot with the mobile. These are all M1911s dating from 1913 to 1918, one Remington UMC is among them. The one in the back has the nice story of being used by a French resistance fighter who married an Austrian girl (also moved here) after WWII. Some years after his death she decided to sell it (it even came with old french .45 dating somewhere in the 50ies), that was when I came in:
But to come to a nicer topic - someone requested pictures. Sorry for the bad quality but this was a snapshot with the mobile. These are all M1911s dating from 1913 to 1918, one Remington UMC is among them. The one in the back has the nice story of being used by a French resistance fighter who married an Austrian girl (also moved here) after WWII. Some years after his death she decided to sell it (it even came with old french .45 dating somewhere in the 50ies), that was when I came in:
Promo- Membre
- Nombre de messages : 12
Age : 37
Localisation : Austria
Date d'inscription : 04/11/2011
Re: Introduction - Hello from Austria
Nice collection of 1911 ... easy to justify ???
You may have a status of collector to own all this stuff ?
Nice collection of 1911 ... easy to justify ???
You may have a status of collector to own all this stuff ?
Bob- Membre expert
- Nombre de messages : 586
Age : 46
Localisation : Auvergne
Date d'inscription : 25/03/2011
Re: Introduction - Hello from Austria
Quand il m'arrive de demander des renseignements ou de poster dans un forum anglophone, je considère que c'est faire preuve de la plus élémentaire correction de m'exprimer dans un anglais le plus correct possible, et comme il a été rappelé, c'est très facile de nos jours de se faire aider.
Donc bienvenu à notre nouvel ami, pour peu toutefois qu'il fasse l'effort de respecter notre langue. Personnellement je ne prendrai pas la peine de lire des messages en anglais sur ce forum.
Donc bienvenu à notre nouvel ami, pour peu toutefois qu'il fasse l'effort de respecter notre langue. Personnellement je ne prendrai pas la peine de lire des messages en anglais sur ce forum.
LP- Pilier du forum
- Nombre de messages : 3259
Age : 67
Localisation : Lorraine "Qui s'y frotte s'y pique"
Date d'inscription : 28/02/2010
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